충전 설비 Sarcmi NEWCANFILL 광고는 판매 완료되어 검색에 포함되지 않았습니다.
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충전 설비 Sarcmi NEWCANFILL
판매 완료
충전 설비 Sarcmi NEWCANFILL
충전 설비 Sarcmi NEWCANFILL 이미지 2
충전 설비 Sarcmi NEWCANFILL 이미지 3
충전 설비 Sarcmi NEWCANFILL 이미지 4
충전 설비 Sarcmi NEWCANFILL 이미지 5
충전 설비 Sarcmi NEWCANFILL 이미지 6
충전 설비 Sarcmi NEWCANFILL 이미지 7
충전 설비 Sarcmi NEWCANFILL 이미지 8
충전 설비 Sarcmi NEWCANFILL 이미지 9
충전 설비 Sarcmi NEWCANFILL 이미지 10
충전 설비 Sarcmi NEWCANFILL 이미지 11
충전 설비 Sarcmi NEWCANFILL 이미지 12
형식:  충전 설비
제조년도:  1996
위치:  이탈리아 (Verona) - Italy현재 위치로부터 7231 km
게재 날짜:  1개월 초과
판매자 재고 ID:  M266
상태:  중고

추가 정보 — 충전 설비 Sarcmi NEWCANFILL


Used filling monoblock and seamer SARCMI – COMACO for cans up to 18000 CPH

Introduction to the Filling Monoblock and Seamer SARCMI – COMACO

The machinery described functions as a can-filling monoblock specifically designed for carbonated soft drinks (CSD). Consequently, this unit integrates three key functions: rinsing, filling and sealing cans. You can inspect this equipment in operation until early October.

Filler and Seamer: General Overview

The system includes a can rinser, filler and a seamer. Specifically, the NEWCANFILL model from SARCMI (SASIB-SIMONAZZI) features 30 filling valves. Therefore, this configuration achieves a high production capacity, reaching up to 18,000 cans per hour (cph) for 330 ml cans with a 202 top lid. In addition, for other can sizes, the capacities are 15,000 cph for 440 ml cans and 14,400 cph for 500 ml cans.

Technical Features of the Filler and Twist Rinser

The filler, made of stainless steel, includes a rinser designed for 330 ml cans. Moreover, the rinser uses a twist process to clean the cans thoroughly before filling. Thus, this feature ensures that the final product meets quality and safety standards.

Technical Features of the Seamer

In terms of the seamer, the COMACO-type AGM/4RNEW model comes with 4 seaming heads. These heads precisely and reliably seal the cans. As a result, this design prevents leaks or contamination and maintains high production standards.

Operational Capacity and Applications of Used filling monoblock and seamer SARCMI – COMACO for cans up to 18000 CPH

The filling block operates at a filling temperature of 4°C, ideal for carbonated beverages needing controlled temperatures. The machine handles 202 top-lid cans and 330 ml sizes but can adapt to other formats with minimal modifications.

Conclusions of the Filling monoblock and seamer SARCMI – COMACO

The SARCMI-COMACO rinser, filler and seamer offer an advanced solution for filling carbonated beverages. They combine efficiency and precision, reaching up to 18,000 cans per hour. Furthermore, this robust system suits high-demand production environments. You can inspect the unit until early October, which provides a unique opportunity for companies looking to upgrade or expand their can production lines.

Speed: 18000 BPH
Containers: Can
Formats: 0.33 L
Product: Soft Drinks
No. of valves: 30
Fill type: Isobaric
Type of nozzle: Fixed
Isobaric valve: N/A
Safety features: Yes
Manuals: Yes
Rotation direction: Clockwise
marca: Sarcmi
stato: In production
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